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Leonardo Andres Bernal
Hincha de MILLONARIOS lo mas importante en mi vida son mi mamá y familia. Productor de Eventos
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TOP 150 of 493 2670 Followers (friends with highest number of followers)
17090398 TOP 1
15199319 TOP 2
10221724 TOP 3
9546709 TOP 4
8550509 TOP 5
4011813 TOP 6
3495343 TOP 7
2632149 TOP 8
1924268 TOP 9
1828630 TOP 10
1532561 TOP 11
1496585 TOP 12
1137788 TOP 13
812173 TOP 14
697545 TOP 15
546629 TOP 16
456845 TOP 17
353950 TOP 18
327274 TOP 19
306178 TOP 20
252779 TOP 21
130050 TOP 22
127759 TOP 23
82232 TOP 24
79245 TOP 25
78936 TOP 26
76948 TOP 27
75829 TOP 28
75524 TOP 29
68792 TOP 30