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TOP 39 of 238 27543 Followers (friends with highest number of followers)
289141 TOP 1
233430 TOP 2
183309 TOP 3
167615 TOP 4
153467 TOP 5
79116 TOP 6
78186 TOP 7
77243 TOP 8
69656 TOP 9
65973 TOP 10
64961 TOP 11
64722 TOP 12
62932 TOP 13
61598 TOP 14
60456 TOP 15
59370 TOP 16
58338 TOP 17
56070 TOP 18
54903 TOP 19
50319 TOP 20
50315 TOP 21
47174 TOP 22
45697 TOP 23
45252 TOP 24
45250 TOP 25
41756 TOP 26
40924 TOP 27
38379 TOP 28
36818 TOP 29
35428 TOP 30